#: locale=en
## Tour
### Description
### Title
tour.name = Spynie, Elgin G-Type House - Hanover
## Skin
### Button
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Button_264EABA3_B0D2_67CA_41CA_6EE926763300_mobile.label = Click here to move to First Floor
Button_27404802_B0CF_E0CA_41E2_90535B331C51.label = Click here to move to Ground Floor
Button_27404802_B0CF_E0CA_41E2_90535B331C51_mobile.label = Click here to move to Ground Floor
Button_8864CB60_91F6_D711_41B3_FE28E09FE5F1.label = Defects and Repairs
Button_8864CB60_91F6_D711_41B3_FE28E09FE5F1_mobile.label = Defects and Repairs
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Button_892758AF_91CE_516F_41D5_2424E5CC7420_mobile.label = Telephone
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Button_892768A8_91CE_5111_41CB_34186A67966E_mobile.label = Internal Lighting
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Button_892768B2_91CE_5171_41D7_35883AAA8D07_mobile.label = Ventilation
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Button_892818BB_91CE_5177_41CA_D336713BECBD_mobile.label = Alterations
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Button_892888AB_91CE_5116_41DC_6867EB7AE219_mobile.label = Television
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Button_8B589A36_9152_D171_41BB_046DEE47A984_mobile.label = Water
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Button_8B5CBA40_9152_D112_41D0_7FF395EC84A2_mobile.label = Gas
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Button_8C60815F_9156_732F_41CB_401474CFAE77_mobile.label = Fire Detection
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Button_8C626169_9156_7313_41CB_1B076DE22D65_mobile.label = Legionella
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Button_8C9C3167_9151_D31E_41CA_7FD01A952A91_mobile.label = Programmer
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Button_8C9E717C_9151_D3F2_4196_EBE880CB35F6_mobile.label = Electricity and Gas Provider
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Button_9767786E_80F5_950F_41D6_56EBDBA046C4_mobile.label = Dampness and Condensation
Button_978C9268_80F7_9533_41BE_7D8E16F2D722.label = Heating and Hot Water
Button_978C9268_80F7_9533_41BE_7D8E16F2D722_mobile.label = Heating and Hot Water
Button_97ADA09C_80F6_750C_41C9_33C52523D3DD.label = Moving In
Button_97ADA09C_80F6_750C_41C9_33C52523D3DD_mobile.label = Moving In
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Button_97C6D066_80EB_953F_41BB_B2C150813156_mobile.label = Introduction
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Button_97E35AF8_80F6_F513_41DC_2BA354219FF1_mobile.label = Services
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Button_97EA713F_80F6_970D_41DD_3E7F079D6D65_mobile.label = Contact Numbers
Button_9FC01A3C_8E93_8F2B_41DB_48C19D025237.label = Project Details
Button_9FC01A3C_8E93_8F2B_41DB_48C19D025237_mobile.label = Project Details
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Button_9FC12A3D_8E93_8F25_41D7_12D71185EEDB_mobile.label = Menu
Button_9FC34A32_8E93_8F3F_41DA_F89FB4F2DCD2.label = Request a Quote
Button_9FC34A32_8E93_8F3F_41DA_F89FB4F2DCD2_mobile.label = Request a Quote
Button_9FCE9A3F_8E93_8F25_41DE_67F5B31753DE.label = Manufacture
Button_9FCE9A3F_8E93_8F25_41DE_67F5B31753DE_mobile.label = Manufacture
Button_ADEA3AAD_8F9E_8F24_4145_8B35FCF0C2D6.label = Garden
Button_ADEA3AAD_8F9E_8F24_4145_8B35FCF0C2D6_mobile.label = Garden
Button_ADF6D589_8F9E_85ED_41B7_249DB5135B3C.label = Sustainable Living
Button_ADF6D589_8F9E_85ED_41B7_249DB5135B3C_mobile.label = Sustainable Living
Button_B0B29C75_90D2_51F2_41C1_B63CF9531ED7.label = Back
Button_B0B29C75_90D2_51F2_41C1_B63CF9531ED7_mobile.label = Back
Button_B2C3E96E_90D2_53EE_41C0_9AF96732F6B4.label = Back
Button_B2C3E96E_90D2_53EE_41C0_9AF96732F6B4_mobile.label = Back
Button_B6FAEF69_9732_AF12_41C2_EC0589AC29DD.label = Reclycling Centres
Button_B6FAEF69_9732_AF12_41C2_EC0589AC29DD_mobile.label = Reclycling Centres
Button_B705FF5D_9732_AF32_41DA_CDFA9B006E75.label = Large or Bulky Refuse
Button_B705FF5D_9732_AF32_41DA_CDFA9B006E75_mobile.label = Large or Bulky Refuse
Button_B706BF54_9732_AF32_41BD_B3E2307CF558.label = Wheeled Bin Collection
Button_B706BF54_9732_AF32_41BD_B3E2307CF558_mobile.label = Wheeled Bin Collection
Button_BF60400F_9152_F12F_4194_98E827615AE2.label = Gravel Strip around Property
Button_BF60400F_9152_F12F_4194_98E827615AE2_mobile.label = Gravel Strip around Property
Button_EB991CBE_93D6_A5CE_41AE_CDB2256B776F_mobile.label = Property Handbook (PDF)
Button_EF40DAC3_F964_823E_41D9_800452C4CC19.label = Property Handbook (PDF)
Button_F71C2936_909D_7A41_4175_A499CE641588.label = Alterations to Property or Garden
Button_F71C2936_909D_7A41_4175_A499CE641588_mobile.label = Alterations to Property or Garden
Button_FDAD74B8_909C_AA41_41E2_D4CB37F086BB.label = Refuse Collections and Storage
Button_FDAD74B8_909C_AA41_41E2_D4CB37F086BB_mobile.label = Refuse Collections and Storage
### Multiline Text
HTMLText_6D382691_7FEA_9D15_41C8_0DB00DE8B940.html =
HTMLText_6D382691_7FEA_9D15_41C8_0DB00DE8B940_mobile.html =
HTMLText_887FD21C_91F2_5132_41DB_84ED3DD6A4F2.html = Introduction to Tenant's Handbook
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd would like to welcome you to your new property. This Handbook has been produced by Robertson Homes in conjunction with Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd and provides you with a detailed guide to all the fixtures and fittings in your property.
It provides details of what you should and should not do to the fabric of the building, your responsibility and what to do if things go wrong.
Please take time to read this handbook as you will find that it will help you manage your property efficiently and cost effectively.
It may also reduce call outs to contractors, as often in new properties many call outs are for instructions on how to operate equipment.
Thank you for your assistance.
HTMLText_887FD21C_91F2_5132_41DB_84ED3DD6A4F2_mobile.html = Introduction to Tenant's Handbook
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd would like to welcome you to your new property. This Handbook has been produced by Robertson Homes in conjunction with Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd and provides you with a detailed guide to all the fixtures and fittings in your property.
It provides details of what you should and should not do to the fabric of the building, your responsibility and what to do if things go wrong.
Please take time to read this handbook as you will find that it will help you manage your property efficiently and cost effectively.
It may also reduce call outs to contractors, as often in new properties many call outs are for instructions on how to operate equipment.
Thank you for your assistance.
HTMLText_8A2779A8_9152_F311_41D5_6CE89E7DD7EC.html = Television
All dwellings are connected to a digital aerial and have a sky connection, however, if you wish to receive Sky TV you must set up an account as a Tenant, by calling 0844 800 3115, or by visiting www.sky.com. A communal sky dish has been installed.
If you wish to hang a plasma or LCD TV on the wall, It is strongly recommended that this is done by a properly qualified tradesperson as the fixings must go into the timber studs behind the plasterboard. This will make it safe and by fixing into studs you will not damage the insulation of your property.
Plugging a Freeview-enabled television into the sockets provided will allow you to receive a wide variety of digital television channels.
Television points are fitted within bedrooms and lounges.
Please note the system installed is compatible with Sky Q within the lounge & Digital Terrestrial within the Bedroom.
The positioning of individual satellite dishes on any part of the property is expressly prohibited under your tenancy agreement.
HTMLText_8A2779A8_9152_F311_41D5_6CE89E7DD7EC_mobile.html = Television
All dwellings are connected to a digital aerial and have a sky connection, however, if you wish to receive Sky TV you must set up an account as a Tenant, by calling 0844 800 3115, or by visiting www.sky.com. A communal sky dish has been installed.
If you wish to hang a plasma or LCD TV on the wall, It is strongly recommended that this is done by a properly qualified tradesperson as the fixings must go into the timber studs behind the plasterboard. This will make it safe and by fixing into studs you will not damage the insulation of your property.
Plugging a Freeview-enabled television into the sockets provided will allow you to receive a wide variety of digital television channels.
Television points are fitted within bedrooms and lounges.
Please note the system installed is compatible with Sky Q within the lounge & Digital Terrestrial within the Bedroom.
The positioning of individual satellite dishes on any part of the property is expressly prohibited under your tenancy agreement.
HTMLText_8A738B84_913E_F712_41C8_4CC7DB899F20.html = Kitchen Fitments
Under-counter power points are fitted below worktop level in the spaces for washing machine and fridge/freezer. These are controlled from switches above the worktop level to allow the appliances to be switched off for defrosting, servicing etc. without having to move them. Switches are labelled relative to the appliance space.
If you wish to install a fridge-freezer there is space located within your kitchen under the worktop. If you have a fridge-freezer that is larger than the worktop level the worktop can be taken away to create extra space by removing screws. If you do not require the additional worktop space, please leave this in a cool dry place within the property as it will be necessary for you to replace it if you leave the property.
Washing Machine:
Hot & Cold-water connections and a waste connection are provided under the kitchen sink. Hoses from your washing machine can be connected to valves on the water supply pipes.
The waste pipe from the washing machine can be connected to the trap under the sink, via the “horns” provided. Ensure that there are no leaks from any of the connections when the washing machine is in use. If you do not have an automatic washing machine do not interfere with the connections or remove the blanking caps.
Tumble Dryer:
If you wish to install a tumble dryer within the property you should ensure that you only use a condensing type as there is no outlet provided for a traditional flexible outlet hose. Using a traditional dryer (with the hose inside your property) will lead to the build-up of excessive moisture in the property.
A condensing tumble dryer removes moisture from your clothes and contains it within a tank inside the appliance that will need emptied regularly.
The cooker space in your kitchen is provided with an electric cooker point. An electric cooker can be connected to the spur outlet point provided at low level on the rear wall of the cooker space and is wired to an individual miniature circuit breaker (MCB) at the consumer unit. A gas cooker cannot be connected as there is no gas cooker connection.
HTMLText_8A738B84_913E_F712_41C8_4CC7DB899F20_mobile.html = Kitchen Fitments
Under-counter power points are fitted below worktop level in the spaces for washing machine and fridge/freezer. These are controlled from switches above the worktop level to allow the appliances to be switched off for defrosting, servicing etc. without having to move them. Switches are labelled relative to the appliance space.
If you wish to install a fridge-freezer there is space located within your kitchen under the worktop. If you have a fridge-freezer that is larger than the worktop level the worktop can be taken away to create extra space by removing screws. If you do not require the additional worktop space, please leave this in a cool dry place within the property as it will be necessary for you to replace it if you leave the property.
Washing Machine:
Hot & Cold-water connections and a waste connection are provided under the kitchen sink. Hoses from your washing machine can be connected to valves on the water supply pipes.
The waste pipe from the washing machine can be connected to the trap under the sink, via the “horns” provided. Ensure that there are no leaks from any of the connections when the washing machine is in use. If you do not have an automatic washing machine do not interfere with the connections or remove the blanking caps.
Tumble Dryer:
If you wish to install a tumble dryer within the property you should ensure that you only use a condensing type as there is no outlet provided for a traditional flexible outlet hose. Using a traditional dryer (with the hose inside your property) will lead to the build-up of excessive moisture in the property.
A condensing tumble dryer removes moisture from your clothes and contains it within a tank inside the appliance that will need emptied regularly.
The cooker space in your kitchen is provided with an electric cooker point. An electric cooker can be connected to the spur outlet point provided at low level on the rear wall of the cooker space and is wired to an individual miniature circuit breaker (MCB) at the consumer unit. A gas cooker cannot be connected as there is no gas cooker connection.
HTMLText_8A89608B_9131_D116_41BF_FABB14FCCE0B.html = Alterations
Please note that no alterations should be made to the property without prior permission from the Association. This includes the fitting of laminated / hardwood flooring.
Applications for permission must be in writing to:
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd.
95 McDonald Road
During the first year permission will only normally be approved for shelving.
HTMLText_8A89608B_9131_D116_41BF_FABB14FCCE0B_mobile.html = Alterations
Please note that no alterations should be made to the property without prior permission from the Association. This includes the fitting of laminated / hardwood flooring.
Applications for permission must be in writing to:
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd.
95 McDonald Road
During the first year permission will only normally be approved for shelving.
HTMLText_8AD8968C_91D2_D112_41CF_4A1AE6CA72AC.html = Carpets and Floor Coverings
The manufacturers of vinyl or sheet flooring usually recommend that hardboard or plywood be laid on the floor surface before their materials are fixed, otherwise they may be damaged or wear quickly. Please ensure that fixing nails or pins are no more than 13mm long.
Laminate flooring is not permitted in the properties.
HTMLText_8AD8968C_91D2_D112_41CF_4A1AE6CA72AC_mobile.html = Carpets and Floor Coverings
The manufacturers of vinyl or sheet flooring usually recommend that hardboard or plywood be laid on the floor surface before their materials are fixed, otherwise they may be damaged or wear quickly. Please ensure that fixing nails or pins are no more than 13mm long.
Laminate flooring is not permitted in the properties.
HTMLText_8B81B31B_91F2_7737_41E0_C7BF1BF78F4F.html = Defects and Repairs
All defects in your property should be directed to Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association’s Customer Service Centre on:
They can also be contacted in writing at:
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd.
95 McDonald Road
All Defects should be reported to the Association, and not directly to the contractor.
For the first year after the property is occupied the contractor who built your property is responsible for repairs which may be required.
All defects must be reported to the Association who will then arrange for the contractor to attend to the defect.
Near the end of the first year after completion of the building works your property will be inspected for defects by the Contractor and Association, a list of defect items will be collated to allow the contractor to carry out any necessary repairs.
Major defects such as water leaks, heating system failures and lock failures must be reported to the Association immediately. (See also Section 4.0 “Services” in the manual). Minor defects such as garden drainage issues, failure of fixtures and fittings, shrinkage/hairline cracks appearing in plasterwork or internal woodwork will be dealt with by the contractor at the end of the 12-month defects period.
Please note that while these are normal defects, we do not anticipate that they will be experienced widely.
Large cracks should be reported to the Association as with other defects.
When you report a defect to the Association you will be told whether an inspection is necessary and how long it may take to complete the repair.
Other repairs may be necessary because of vandalism, wear and tear and accidental breakages, but the responsibility for these is not the Contractor’s, even though a repair may be required. You should still report this to the Association clearly stating that it is not a defect. The Association will arrange for their own approved Contractor to attend.
Tenants must not decorate during the first year as there is always the possibility of movement and cracking in new construction. Tenants should not wallpaper their properties until the end of the first year after inspections and any remedial works have been completed and only by requesting in writing to the Association approval to do so.
Any decoration carried out by the Tenant will not be reinstated by the contractor if repairs require to be carried out, as the contractor is only obligated to return finishes to the condition the property was in at the time of handover to the Association.
The Association will carry out regular maintenance of your property and for this reason, will need to gain occasional access for such inspections.
If you think there is a problem with your property, you can help by contacting the Association. Whatever you think the cause might be, please inform the Association and an inspection will be arranged for which the appropriate action will be taken by the Association.
You are expected to accommodate access to those whose job it is to repair any defect.
HTMLText_8B81B31B_91F2_7737_41E0_C7BF1BF78F4F_mobile.html = Defects and Repairs
All defects in your property should be directed to Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association’s Customer Service Centre on:
They can also be contacted in writing at:
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd.
95 McDonald Road
All Defects should be reported to the Association, and not directly to the contractor.
For the first year after the property is occupied the contractor who built your property is responsible for repairs which may be required.
All defects must be reported to the Association who will then arrange for the contractor to attend to the defect.
Near the end of the first year after completion of the building works your property will be inspected for defects by the Contractor and Association, a list of defect items will be collated to allow the contractor to carry out any necessary repairs.
Major defects such as water leaks, heating system failures and lock failures must be reported to the Association immediately. (See also Section 4.0 “Services” in the manual). Minor defects such as garden drainage issues, failure of fixtures and fittings, shrinkage/hairline cracks appearing in plasterwork or internal woodwork will be dealt with by the contractor at the end of the 12-month defects period.
Please note that while these are normal defects, we do not anticipate that they will be experienced widely.
Large cracks should be reported to the Association as with other defects.
When you report a defect to the Association you will be told whether an inspection is necessary and how long it may take to complete the repair.
Other repairs may be necessary because of vandalism, wear and tear and accidental breakages, but the responsibility for these is not the Contractor’s, even though a repair may be required. You should still report this to the Association clearly stating that it is not a defect. The Association will arrange for their own approved Contractor to attend.
Tenants must not decorate during the first year as there is always the possibility of movement and cracking in new construction. Tenants should not wallpaper their properties until the end of the first year after inspections and any remedial works have been completed and only by requesting in writing to the Association approval to do so.
Any decoration carried out by the Tenant will not be reinstated by the contractor if repairs require to be carried out, as the contractor is only obligated to return finishes to the condition the property was in at the time of handover to the Association.
The Association will carry out regular maintenance of your property and for this reason, will need to gain occasional access for such inspections.
If you think there is a problem with your property, you can help by contacting the Association. Whatever you think the cause might be, please inform the Association and an inspection will be arranged for which the appropriate action will be taken by the Association.
You are expected to accommodate access to those whose job it is to repair any defect.
HTMLText_8B921EC0_9152_7112_41D4_0BAA8BA6F3DF.html = Internal Lighting
The property is fitted with several light fittings:
• Pendant
• Fluorescent within the kitchen
Lighting is controlled by rocker switches within each room apart from the shower room this is located outside the door.
HTMLText_8B921EC0_9152_7112_41D4_0BAA8BA6F3DF_mobile.html = Internal Lighting
The property is fitted with several light fittings:
• Pendant
• Fluorescent within the kitchen
Lighting is controlled by rocker switches within each room apart from the shower room this is located outside the door.
HTMLText_8BA88869_91CE_5113_41E0_F52F0FD8F34B.html = Fixings to Walls
The External Walls are constructed with finished roughcast / brickwork with a 50mm cavity, reflective breather membrane, timber frame fully lined with 140mm mineral wool, vapor control barrier and plasterboard.
The Party Walls between your property and your neighbour are a build-up on both sides of 12.5mm plasterboard, 19mm Gyproc plank, airtightness membrane, 140mm timber frame filled with acoustic wool, 9mm OSB, and acoustic partition roll with 38x45mm service baton. Note: you must not cut into the party wall as this will jeopardise the fire & acoustic wall integrity.
The internal non load-bearing timber stud partition walls are built from timber framing at various centres, and horizontal rails in between, 25mm acoustic wool, with plasterboard on both sides.
Heavy loads, such as shelving, should only be fixed to internal partitions and be supported only by fixing into the timber upright studs with woodscrews. The studs can generally be located by lightly tapping the surface of the plasterboard across the wall until the hollow sound becomes more solid. Check that you are fixing into the timber stud prior to fixing. Light loads, such as small pictures, can be hung on proprietary plasterboard fixings, which are readily available from ironmongers or DIY stores.
Do not put fixings immediately above or below light switches or power outlet points, or cut into walls at these locations, as the electrical supply cables are located within the walls in these areas.
HTMLText_8BA88869_91CE_5113_41E0_F52F0FD8F34B_mobile.html = Fixings to Walls
The External Walls are constructed with finished roughcast / brickwork with a 50mm cavity, reflective breather membrane, timber frame fully lined with 140mm mineral wool, vapor control barrier and plasterboard.
The Party Walls between your property and your neighbour are a build-up on both sides of 12.5mm plasterboard, 19mm Gyproc plank, airtightness membrane, 140mm timber frame filled with acoustic wool, 9mm OSB, and acoustic partition roll with 38x45mm service baton. Note: you must not cut into the party wall as this will jeopardise the fire & acoustic wall integrity.
The internal non load-bearing timber stud partition walls are built from timber framing at various centres, and horizontal rails in between, 25mm acoustic wool, with plasterboard on both sides.
Heavy loads, such as shelving, should only be fixed to internal partitions and be supported only by fixing into the timber upright studs with woodscrews. The studs can generally be located by lightly tapping the surface of the plasterboard across the wall until the hollow sound becomes more solid. Check that you are fixing into the timber stud prior to fixing. Light loads, such as small pictures, can be hung on proprietary plasterboard fixings, which are readily available from ironmongers or DIY stores.
Do not put fixings immediately above or below light switches or power outlet points, or cut into walls at these locations, as the electrical supply cables are located within the walls in these areas.
HTMLText_8BB86D38_9151_B372_419D_B734C39CDD16.html = Ventilation
The property is equipped with extract fans in the Kitchen and in the Shower Room. This prevents the build-up of moisture in these areas which can lead to condensation and mould. The fan utilises plastic duct work from both the bathroom and kitchen areas. Waste air is discharged via an air terminal on the perimeter of the property.
This ventilation is required by the Building Regulations and you should not be tampered with.
The extract fans are constant trickle fans, when bathroom light is turned on this will turn the fans onto full power mode, when light is turned off this will run for a short period of time afterwards. Likewise, the kitchen fan boost mode can be operated via a switch above the worktop to extract smells and steam from the kitchen as required.
HTMLText_8BB86D38_9151_B372_419D_B734C39CDD16_mobile.html = Ventilation
The property is equipped with extract fans in the Kitchen and in the Shower Room. This prevents the build-up of moisture in these areas which can lead to condensation and mould. The fan utilises plastic duct work from both the bathroom and kitchen areas. Waste air is discharged via an air terminal on the perimeter of the property.
This ventilation is required by the Building Regulations and you should not be tampered with.
The extract fans are constant trickle fans, when bathroom light is turned on this will turn the fans onto full power mode, when light is turned off this will run for a short period of time afterwards. Likewise, the kitchen fan boost mode can be operated via a switch above the worktop to extract smells and steam from the kitchen as required.
HTMLText_8C0CB864_9771_D111_41D8_81113B57C4D4.html = Legionella
Legionella pneumophilia is a rod-shaped bacterium which belongs to the genus legionella. It is naturally occurring in soil and water environments. At low temperatures under 20oC the bacteria survive but do not multiply over 60oC the bacteria die. Legionella bacteria can infect your body through inhalation of contaminated water droplets.
These bacteria flourish in temperatures between 20oC and 50oC with optimum growth at 37oC. Stagnant water will also provide an excellent breeding ground for the bacteria. To comply with the Health and Safety Executives’ (HSE) Code of Practise L8 for Legionella the Association will maintain the water system that supplies the properties to ensure that there will be no spread of the bacteria.
HTMLText_8C0CB864_9771_D111_41D8_81113B57C4D4_mobile.html = Legionella
Legionella pneumophilia is a rod-shaped bacterium which belongs to the genus legionella. It is naturally occurring in soil and water environments. At low temperatures under 20oC the bacteria survive but do not multiply over 60oC the bacteria die. Legionella bacteria can infect your body through inhalation of contaminated water droplets.
These bacteria flourish in temperatures between 20oC and 50oC with optimum growth at 37oC. Stagnant water will also provide an excellent breeding ground for the bacteria. To comply with the Health and Safety Executives’ (HSE) Code of Practise L8 for Legionella the Association will maintain the water system that supplies the properties to ensure that there will be no spread of the bacteria.
HTMLText_8C1035BE_9752_536E_41D5_054F364A1CED.html = Electricity
Consumer Unit and Miniature-Circuit Breakers with Residual Current Devices:
The electricity meter and main consumer unit, together with MCBs / RCDs, are located in the cupboard underneath the stairs.
You must ensure that you know where the above are located and that you understand the operation of the consumer unit as soon as possible after entry.
For convenience and safety micro-circuits breakers with residual current devices (MCBs / RCDs) protect the electricity supply to the property.
Switching Off:
The electricity supply to your property can be switched off by using the large power switch to the side of the consumer unit. When this switch is set to the “OFF” position, all lighting and power to your property will be disconnected.
These are found beside the main power switch on the consumer unit. All circuits are protected by Miniature-Circuit Breaker with Residual Current Devices that protects from over-current and electrocution.
These act like fuses and will automatically switch off a circuit if it becomes overloaded.
Each MCB /RCD controls a separate circuit and can be used to isolate a circuit whilst leaving others switched on. Each circuit should be labelled above or below each MCB / RCD. If in doubt about which switches control which circuits use the main power switch to disconnect all circuits.
Fault Finding:
In the event of an electrical fault the MCB /RCD for the circuit concerned will automatically switch to the “OFF” position.
If this happens the checklist below should be:
1. Check the main switch and the individual MCB/RCD switches are on the “ON” position.
2. If the electrical supply is cut off again or the switch will not stay in the “ON” position turn off all appliances on the affected circuit which were in operation at the time and switch them back on one by one until you identify which appliance is causing the fault.
3. If the supply continues to be cut off try that appliance in another socket preferably on another circuit. If the supply is cut off again it is likely that the appliance is faulty and requires repair or the circuit may be overloaded. If the circuit is overloaded disconnect one or more of the appliances connected to that circuit. If after checking, there is not a faulty appliance or an overload and the MCB / RCD continues to switch off the dwelling’s electrical circuit may be at fault and should be reported to the Association for repair by a qualified electrician.
The most common cause of the supply being cut is blown light bulbs, once reset at the main switchboard the system should function without further problems.
HTMLText_8C1035BE_9752_536E_41D5_054F364A1CED_mobile.html = Electricity
Consumer Unit and Miniature-Circuit Breakers with Residual Current Devices:
The electricity meter and main consumer unit, together with MCBs / RCDs, are located in the cupboard underneath the stairs.
You must ensure that you know where the above are located and that you understand the operation of the consumer unit as soon as possible after entry.
For convenience and safety micro-circuits breakers with residual current devices (MCBs / RCDs) protect the electricity supply to the property.
Switching Off:
The electricity supply to your property can be switched off by using the large power switch to the side of the consumer unit. When this switch is set to the “OFF” position, all lighting and power to your property will be disconnected.
These are found beside the main power switch on the consumer unit. All circuits are protected by Miniature-Circuit Breaker with Residual Current Devices that protects from over-current and electrocution.
These act like fuses and will automatically switch off a circuit if it becomes overloaded.
Each MCB /RCD controls a separate circuit and can be used to isolate a circuit whilst leaving others switched on. Each circuit should be labelled above or below each MCB / RCD. If in doubt about which switches control which circuits use the main power switch to disconnect all circuits.
Fault Finding:
In the event of an electrical fault the MCB /RCD for the circuit concerned will automatically switch to the “OFF” position.
If this happens the checklist below should be:
1. Check the main switch and the individual MCB/RCD switches are on the “ON” position.
2. If the electrical supply is cut off again or the switch will not stay in the “ON” position turn off all appliances on the affected circuit which were in operation at the time and switch them back on one by one until you identify which appliance is causing the fault.
3. If the supply continues to be cut off try that appliance in another socket preferably on another circuit. If the supply is cut off again it is likely that the appliance is faulty and requires repair or the circuit may be overloaded. If the circuit is overloaded disconnect one or more of the appliances connected to that circuit. If after checking, there is not a faulty appliance or an overload and the MCB / RCD continues to switch off the dwelling’s electrical circuit may be at fault and should be reported to the Association for repair by a qualified electrician.
The most common cause of the supply being cut is blown light bulbs, once reset at the main switchboard the system should function without further problems.
HTMLText_8C2943E4_974E_F711_41BA_976D78692ACB.html = Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors
Carbon monoxide alarms are the most effective way to detect carbon monoxide in the air and alert you to the presence of the dangerous poisonous gas.
HTMLText_8C2943E4_974E_F711_41BA_976D78692ACB_mobile.html = Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors
Carbon monoxide alarms are the most effective way to detect carbon monoxide in the air and alert you to the presence of the dangerous poisonous gas.
HTMLText_8C79F86C_9756_D111_41D4_D20402719BCD.html = Security and Safety
Entrance doors to individual properties are euro cylinder operating a mortice latch locking system. Once closed this system offers a high degree of security due to the centrally located deadbolt.
The entrance doors to each stair well are operated via a key fob activating the locking system.
If you require additional keys cut please contact the Association. All keys must be returned to your landlord at the end of your tenancy or you will be charged for a lock change.
HTMLText_8C79F86C_9756_D111_41D4_D20402719BCD_mobile.html = Security and Safety
Entrance doors to individual properties are euro cylinder operating a mortice latch locking system. Once closed this system offers a high degree of security due to the centrally located deadbolt.
The entrance doors to each stair well are operated via a key fob activating the locking system.
If you require additional keys cut please contact the Association. All keys must be returned to your landlord at the end of your tenancy or you will be charged for a lock change.
HTMLText_8C89DA21_9156_B113_41B9_8B43B27D3979.html = Telephone
Your property is provided with a telephone socket in the living-room & in the master bedroom. The telephone line is not “live” therefore it is your responsibility to contact a provider to arrange line connection.
Your property has a Fibre-optic BT connection. This is located next to your consumer unit. There is a BT box where you will connect your broadband router & connect the internal phones points.
HTMLText_8C89DA21_9156_B113_41B9_8B43B27D3979_mobile.html = Telephone
Your property is provided with a telephone socket in the living-room & in the master bedroom. The telephone line is not “live” therefore it is your responsibility to contact a provider to arrange line connection.
Your property has a Fibre-optic BT connection. This is located next to your consumer unit. There is a BT box where you will connect your broadband router & connect the internal phones points.
HTMLText_8C90B5FE_9752_52EE_41E0_9167ECF1CB87.html = Solar Panels
A solar panel, or photo-voltaic (PV) module, is an assembly of photo-voltaic cells mounted on the roof. Solar panels use sunlight as a source of energy and generate direct current electricity.
The solar panel isolation switch is located beside the main circuit board for the property. This must not be tampered with by the resident under any circumstances.
There is a red flashing light on the Solar PV generation meter which must be checked on a weekly basis. This shows that the Solar Panel system in the attic space is fully functional.
HTMLText_8C90B5FE_9752_52EE_41E0_9167ECF1CB87_mobile.html = Solar Panels
A solar panel, or photo-voltaic (PV) module, is an assembly of photo-voltaic cells mounted on the roof. Solar panels use sunlight as a source of energy and generate direct current electricity.
The solar panel isolation switch is located beside the main circuit board for the property. This must not be tampered with by the resident under any circumstances.
There is a red flashing light on the Solar PV generation meter which must be checked on a weekly basis. This shows that the Solar Panel system in the attic space is fully functional.
HTMLText_8CAB5CD8_9732_B131_41DC_54A47EDAA659.html = Water
Water Stopcock:
The mains water stopcock for houses is located underneath the kitchen sink. It resembles a large tap handle.
The water supply within the property can be turned off using this stopcock.
When first moving in please ensure that you know where the main stopcock is located and keep access to it clear.
The water supply:
The water supply to all cold taps comes directly from the local mains supply.
The recommended supply point for water for drinking purposes is the cold supply tap in the kitchen but all supply points will provide water of equal quality.
Serious leaks:
In the case of a serious water leak turn off the supply using the switched stopcock and contact the Association immediately. If you suspect a leak in an unoccupied property the Association should be contacted on: 0800 389 0477
Minor Leaks:
In the case of minor leaks collect the drops in a basin and report the problem to the Association the next working day.
Do not delay or this may lead to damage to the building fabric and finishes.
HTMLText_8CAB5CD8_9732_B131_41DC_54A47EDAA659_mobile.html = Water
Water Stopcock:
The mains water stopcock for houses is located underneath the kitchen sink. It resembles a large tap handle.
The water supply within the property can be turned off using this stopcock.
When first moving in please ensure that you know where the main stopcock is located and keep access to it clear.
The water supply:
The water supply to all cold taps comes directly from the local mains supply.
The recommended supply point for water for drinking purposes is the cold supply tap in the kitchen but all supply points will provide water of equal quality.
Serious leaks:
In the case of a serious water leak turn off the supply using the switched stopcock and contact the Association immediately. If you suspect a leak in an unoccupied property the Association should be contacted on: 0800 389 0477
Minor Leaks:
In the case of minor leaks collect the drops in a basin and report the problem to the Association the next working day.
Do not delay or this may lead to damage to the building fabric and finishes.
HTMLText_8CB0060A_9752_5111_41C5_D8FF64B34B46.html = Fire Detection
The construction of your property means that it is safe from fire spreading between properties through the walls, floors or roof space.
The greatest risk in the event of a fire is caused by smoke spread.
This can be reduced by keeping internal doors closed within the property.
We recommend having a simple fire blanket in the kitchen ready to put out cooking fires such as chip pans.
All properties are provided with smoke alarms & heat alarms wired directly to the mains electric supply. These detectors are fitted with a battery backup system which should power the unit for a short time if the mains power in the dwelling fails. The fire alarms are located in the living room, kitchen and hallway.
On no account should the Tenant remove these batteries
Tenants should follow the instructions provided for testing and cleaning.
Do not cover the alarms or paint them as this will make them ineffective.
HTMLText_8CB0060A_9752_5111_41C5_D8FF64B34B46_mobile.html = Fire Detection
The construction of your property means that it is safe from fire spreading between properties through the walls, floors or roof space.
The greatest risk in the event of a fire is caused by smoke spread.
This can be reduced by keeping internal doors closed within the property.
We recommend having a simple fire blanket in the kitchen ready to put out cooking fires such as chip pans.
All properties are provided with smoke alarms & heat alarms wired directly to the mains electric supply. These detectors are fitted with a battery backup system which should power the unit for a short time if the mains power in the dwelling fails. The fire alarms are located in the living room, kitchen and hallway.
On no account should the Tenant remove these batteries
Tenants should follow the instructions provided for testing and cleaning.
Do not cover the alarms or paint them as this will make them ineffective.
HTMLText_8CB9CAB6_9772_5171_41E2_4F5598D75A0E.html = Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Detectors
Although carbon dioxide is a normal part of the air we breathe, it can be dangerous if you are exposed to it at high levels. If the monitor is showing that Carbon Dioxide levels are high, it means you should open your windows to ventilate your property, and ensure all fans are running at all times.
HTMLText_8CB9CAB6_9772_5171_41E2_4F5598D75A0E_mobile.html = Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Detectors
Although carbon dioxide is a normal part of the air we breathe, it can be dangerous if you are exposed to it at high levels. If the monitor is showing that Carbon Dioxide levels are high, it means you should open your windows to ventilate your property, and ensure all fans are running at all times.
HTMLText_8CBBABFA_9132_B6F1_41DD_002A5412578E.html = Shower Room and WCs
WC & Wash Hand Basins:
The WC pan & wash hand basin are made from vitreous china. Clean regularly to stop a build-up of dirt and scale. Use warm or soapy water, cream or liquid cleaner, ensure taps don’t continually drip as this stops staining and lime scale build up. Occasional use of mild bathroom lime scale removers is acceptable. Use in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions rinsing off well with plenty of water.
Do not put bleach in the cistern as this can damage the internal fittings. It is acceptable to use in the toilet bowl itself.
If the cistern is faulty water may run into the overflow which will be visible as continuous water running in the pan. If this occurs, please notify the Association to ensure that water is not wasted unnecessarily (a long-running overflow can also damage the building).
Finishes in taps are chrome. Clean regularly with a soft cloth and warm soapy water or mild detergent, rinse, dry and polish with a clean, soft cloth. Alternatively use baking soda by mixing baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply to the surface and allow it to sit for a few minutes to remove soap scum. Wipe away with a soft damp cloth. Do not use cleaners containing abrasives or chemicals.
All properties have an electric shower installed above the bathtub.
Door lock:
Shower Room doors have a small turnkey beneath the handle on the inside. This allows you to lock the door for privacy. If someone locks themselves in the room the lock can be released from the outside by inserting a coin or screwdriver into the slit in the centre of the fitting on the outside of the door and turning.
HTMLText_8CBBABFA_9132_B6F1_41DD_002A5412578E_mobile.html = Shower Room and WCs
WC & Wash Hand Basins:
The WC pan & wash hand basin are made from vitreous china. Clean regularly to stop a build-up of dirt and scale. Use warm or soapy water, cream or liquid cleaner, ensure taps don’t continually drip as this stops staining and lime scale build up. Occasional use of mild bathroom lime scale removers is acceptable. Use in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions rinsing off well with plenty of water.
Do not put bleach in the cistern as this can damage the internal fittings. It is acceptable to use in the toilet bowl itself.
If the cistern is faulty water may run into the overflow which will be visible as continuous water running in the pan. If this occurs, please notify the Association to ensure that water is not wasted unnecessarily (a long-running overflow can also damage the building).
Finishes in taps are chrome. Clean regularly with a soft cloth and warm soapy water or mild detergent, rinse, dry and polish with a clean, soft cloth. Alternatively use baking soda by mixing baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply to the surface and allow it to sit for a few minutes to remove soap scum. Wipe away with a soft damp cloth. Do not use cleaners containing abrasives or chemicals.
All properties have an electric shower installed above the bathtub.
Door lock:
Shower Room doors have a small turnkey beneath the handle on the inside. This allows you to lock the door for privacy. If someone locks themselves in the room the lock can be released from the outside by inserting a coin or screwdriver into the slit in the centre of the fitting on the outside of the door and turning.
HTMLText_B0F5D248_9732_D111_41A7_B5489AF35469.html = Large or Bulky Refuse
Moray Council offer a Bulky Waste Collection Service for domestic properties. This service is provided for items which are in excess or too large for your wheeled bin.
Fridges, freezers, cookers, washing machines and tumble dryers are uplifted free of charge.
They can collect on request 5 items (plus a maximum of 2 black bags), from:
• fridges/freezers
• all items of free standing furniture
• all Domestic electrical appliances
• carpets, rugs, vinyl, mattress/mattresses, beds/bedding
etc general waste - non-recyclable, max 2 black bags
They will not collect:
• any liquid in containers (eg cans of paint)
• materials from property improvements/renovations (eg
asbestos, bathroom suites, cement blocks, central
heating boiler or radiators, doors, fitted kitchens, fuel
tanks, gas cylinders, glass, large planks of wood,
plasterboard, skirting boards, storage heaters, window
frames) .
• garden materials (earth or turf, garden sheds or
greenhouses, hedging, trees)
• car parts
• recyclable waste (paper, cans, plastic containers etc)
• pianos
• mirrors
• windows
Material for a bulky waste collection should be sited at the normal point of collection and should be available from 7.30am on the day of collection. The crew will not enter your premises for the goods.
Bulky Uplift can be booked by calling the Bulky Uplifts Hotline: 0300 123 4565
HTMLText_B0F5D248_9732_D111_41A7_B5489AF35469_mobile.html = Large or Bulky Refuse
Moray Council offer a Bulky Waste Collection Service for domestic properties. This service is provided for items which are in excess or too large for your wheeled bin.
Fridges, freezers, cookers, washing machines and tumble dryers are uplifted free of charge.
They can collect on request 5 items (plus a maximum of 2 black bags), from:
• fridges/freezers
• all items of free standing furniture
• all Domestic electrical appliances
• carpets, rugs, vinyl, mattress/mattresses, beds/bedding
etc general waste - non-recyclable, max 2 black bags
They will not collect:
• any liquid in containers (eg cans of paint)
• materials from property improvements/renovations (eg
asbestos, bathroom suites, cement blocks, central
heating boiler or radiators, doors, fitted kitchens, fuel
tanks, gas cylinders, glass, large planks of wood,
plasterboard, skirting boards, storage heaters, window
frames) .
• garden materials (earth or turf, garden sheds or
greenhouses, hedging, trees)
• car parts
• recyclable waste (paper, cans, plastic containers etc)
• pianos
• mirrors
• windows
Material for a bulky waste collection should be sited at the normal point of collection and should be available from 7.30am on the day of collection. The crew will not enter your premises for the goods.
Bulky Uplift can be booked by calling the Bulky Uplifts Hotline: 0300 123 4565
HTMLText_B10DCA13_9731_D136_41DF_FE19620C40EE.html = Recycling Centers
The closest recycling facility is located in the Tesco car park, where it is possible to recycle Books, Cans & Plastic, Glass and Textiles.
A larger range of waste can also be recycled at the Chanonry Recycling Centre.
For a more comprehensive outline of the recycling services Moray Council provide please visit their website or download their Recycling guide by visiting
HTMLText_B10DCA13_9731_D136_41DF_FE19620C40EE_mobile.html = Recycling Centers
The closest recycling facility is located in the Tesco car park, where it is possible to recycle Books, Cans & Plastic, Glass and Textiles.
A larger range of waste can also be recycled at the Chanonry Recycling Centre.
For a more comprehensive outline of the recycling services Moray Council provide please visit their website or download their Recycling guide by visiting
HTMLText_B17A43BA_9085_AE46_41BB_44B72E4106E8.html = Designer Comments
Building Contractor:
" "
End Client
" "
HTMLText_B17A43BA_9085_AE46_41BB_44B72E4106E8_mobile.html = Designer Comments
Building Contractor:
" "
End Client
" "
HTMLText_B196296E_9756_D311_41D6_852D0E2EABA0.html = Electricity and Gas Provider
HTMLText_B196296E_9756_D311_41D6_852D0E2EABA0_mobile.html = Electricity and Gas Provider
HTMLText_B1C37E9D_9752_B133_41D8_A5455B13870F.html = Fencing
Timber fencing throughout the development is treated and does not require painting.
Tenants are not permitted to paint any fencing. Please note all fencing within the development is bound by Condition of Planning therefore it cannot be altered without planning consent.
HTMLText_B1C37E9D_9752_B133_41D8_A5455B13870F_mobile.html = Fencing
Timber fencing throughout the development is treated and does not require painting.
Tenants are not permitted to paint any fencing. Please note all fencing within the development is bound by Condition of Planning therefore it cannot be altered without planning consent.
HTMLText_B1CC0526_9756_5311_41C2_2722B5544033.html = Gravel Strip around Property
A gravel strip has been installed between the turf and the building to allow for ease of cutting the grass.
HTMLText_B1CC0526_9756_5311_41C2_2722B5544033_mobile.html = Gravel Strip around Property
A gravel strip has been installed between the turf and the building to allow for ease of cutting the grass.
HTMLText_B2097432_9731_B176_41D9_4C0A727FDA33.html = Alterations to Properties or Gardens after the First Year
Any alterations, which you may wish to make to the property or garden should only be made after the written approval of the Association has been received. This not only includes the bathroom fittings and kitchen units but also includes requests to lay laminate flooring, change doors, lay paving and or erect a decking and so on. If you wish to erect a garden shed, please contact us prior to purchasing your shed, as there are guidelines on the maximum size of shed which is permissible.
You may not paint the doors, window frames, facings, railings or make any other alteration to the exterior of the building without the written permission of the Association.
HTMLText_B2097432_9731_B176_41D9_4C0A727FDA33_mobile.html = Alterations to Properties or Gardens after the First Year
Any alterations, which you may wish to make to the property or garden should only be made after the written approval of the Association has been received. This not only includes the bathroom fittings and kitchen units but also includes requests to lay laminate flooring, change doors, lay paving and or erect a decking and so on. If you wish to erect a garden shed, please contact us prior to purchasing your shed, as there are guidelines on the maximum size of shed which is permissible.
You may not paint the doors, window frames, facings, railings or make any other alteration to the exterior of the building without the written permission of the Association.
HTMLText_B22862D4_974E_7132_41DD_FF164B5053B8.html = Gutters and Rainwater Pipes
Tenants should monitor the property for blocked gutters. If a blockage occurs you should report it to the Association.
HTMLText_B22862D4_974E_7132_41DD_FF164B5053B8_mobile.html = Gutters and Rainwater Pipes
Tenants should monitor the property for blocked gutters. If a blockage occurs you should report it to the Association.
HTMLText_B22DEEAE_9732_D111_41CD_1A8110BF03A1.html = Refuse Collections and Storage
Wheeled Bin Collection
Moray Council will supply the following for the properties:
1x general waste
1x paper/card
1x cans/plastics
1x glass
1x green/food
HTMLText_B22DEEAE_9732_D111_41CD_1A8110BF03A1_mobile.html = Refuse Collections and Storage
Wheeled Bin Collection
Moray Council will supply the following for the properties:
1x general waste
1x paper/card
1x cans/plastics
1x glass
1x green/food
HTMLText_B244B5A0_9183_AA41_41CB_E0DA5ACB5779.html = Contact Details
Hanover Housing Association Ltd can be contacted as follows:
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd.
95 McDonald Road,
Emergency Telephone Numbers
All defects or work requiring attention in your property should be directed to Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association’s Customer Service Centre on 0800 111 4646
They can also be contacted in writing at:
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd.
95 McDonald Road,
In the event of an emergency involving the mains supply of electricity or gas, the following emergency number should be used:
Other important numbers:
HTMLText_B244B5A0_9183_AA41_41CB_E0DA5ACB5779_mobile.html = Contact Details
Hanover Housing Association Ltd can be contacted as follows:
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd.
95 McDonald Road,
Emergency Telephone Numbers
All defects or work requiring attention in your property should be directed to Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association’s Customer Service Centre on 0800 111 4646
They can also be contacted in writing at:
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd.
95 McDonald Road,
In the event of an emergency involving the mains supply of electricity or gas, the following emergency number should be used:
Other important numbers:
HTMLText_B2646856_9752_D13E_41BE_DDA9157412A5.html = External Lighting
A light fitting has been fixed at the entrances of the properties and throughout the Development. These will operate automatically and will be the Associations responsibility to maintain.
HTMLText_B2646856_9752_D13E_41BE_DDA9157412A5_mobile.html = External Lighting
A light fitting has been fixed at the entrances of the properties and throughout the Development. These will operate automatically and will be the Associations responsibility to maintain.
HTMLText_B27B1D78_9777_F3F2_41E0_A0243BE3F851.html = Ceiling Access Hatches
Ceiling hatches are installed in each of the hallways to allow access to the service void only. Tenants are prohibited from entering or storing items in this space.
HTMLText_B27B1D78_9777_F3F2_41E0_A0243BE3F851_mobile.html = Ceiling Access Hatches
Ceiling hatches are installed in each of the hallways to allow access to the service void only. Tenants are prohibited from entering or storing items in this space.
HTMLText_B27E44F2_9771_D2F6_41DD_CA0E46E4E335.html = Operation - Opening and Closing
All properties – Entrance door
To unlock your external door, turn the key in the lock, press the handle downward to release the catch and push to open the door.
To Lock the door, close the door and turn the key in the opposite.
HTMLText_B27E44F2_9771_D2F6_41DD_CA0E46E4E335_mobile.html = Door Operation - Opening and Closing
All properties – Entrance door
To unlock your external door, turn the key in the lock, press the handle downward to release the catch and push to open the door.
To Lock the door, close the door and turn the key in the opposite.
HTMLText_B288DA1D_9776_5132_41D0_E72753F4D750.html = Central Heating
Your property is heated via an individual Combi Boiler. The Boiler supplies the heat to the radiators and heats your hot water in your taps.
HTMLText_B288DA1D_9776_5132_41D0_E72753F4D750_mobile.html = Central Heating
Your property is heated via an individual Combi Boiler. The Boiler supplies the heat to the radiators and heats your hot water in your taps.
HTMLText_B28CBE0B_9753_B116_41B7_76C3C55E83BE.html = Mould and Damp Patches
If black mould appears on walls and woodwork wash them with a mixture of warm water and bleach or with a proprietary mould cleaner available from hardware shops. If the dampness or mould comes back it must be reported to the Association as soon as possible.
HTMLText_B28CBE0B_9753_B116_41B7_76C3C55E83BE_mobile.html = Mould and Damp Patches
If black mould appears on walls and woodwork wash them with a mixture of warm water and bleach or with a proprietary mould cleaner available from hardware shops. If the dampness or mould comes back it must be reported to the Association as soon as possible.
HTMLText_B2930C34_977E_D171_41DE_A1346308FDDA.html = Window Operation
The window handle can be used to carry out the following four functions:
1. open the window
2. close the window
3. secure the window in the ventilation position
4. reverse the window for cleaning
The top swing window can swing open so that the outside can be cleaned from the inside. For safety reasons the window has a built-in restrictor that prevents the window from being fully opened. To release the restrictor, pull the window back by approximately 1 cm and use a finger to unhook the restrictor. The window should now push open. When the window is fully reversed a catch automatically engages to keep it in the cleaning position. Make sure that the window is locked in position before cleaning it. To close the window again open the window even further bringing it towards you and disengage the catch manually. You can also use the ventilation position by turning the handle to horizontal position. The closing mechanism must catch the outer of the two holes in the receiver plate located in the jamb. The window is secured but allows fresh air to enter the room.
Care should be taken with the upper floor windows when there are children in the property:
1. Never leave children unattended in an upper floor room when the window is open.
2. Never allow children to sit or stand on internal window cill boards
3. Never allow children to lean out open windows.
4. Avoid locating furniture below upper floor windows that may allow children to climb up to window level.
Trickle vents
Trickle vents are small vents built into the windows.
Tenants are reminded to ensure that trickle vents are left in the open position all year to prevent condensation & consequential mould growth.
HTMLText_B2930C34_977E_D171_41DE_A1346308FDDA_mobile.html = Window Operation
The window handle can be used to carry out the following four functions:
1. open the window
2. close the window
3. secure the window in the ventilation position
4. reverse the window for cleaning
The top swing window can swing open so that the outside can be cleaned from the inside. For safety reasons the window has a built-in restrictor that prevents the window from being fully opened. To release the restrictor, pull the window back by approximately 1 cm and use a finger to unhook the restrictor. The window should now push open. When the window is fully reversed a catch automatically engages to keep it in the cleaning position. Make sure that the window is locked in position before cleaning it. To close the window again open the window even further bringing it towards you and disengage the catch manually. You can also use the ventilation position by turning the handle to horizontal position. The closing mechanism must catch the outer of the two holes in the receiver plate located in the jamb. The window is secured but allows fresh air to enter the room.
Care should be taken with the upper floor windows when there are children in the property:
1. Never leave children unattended in an upper floor room when the window is open.
2. Never allow children to sit or stand on internal window cill boards
3. Never allow children to lean out open windows.
4. Avoid locating furniture below upper floor windows that may allow children to climb up to window level.
Trickle vents
Trickle vents are small vents built into the windows.
Tenants are reminded to ensure that trickle vents are left in the open position all year to prevent condensation & consequential mould growth.
HTMLText_B29CC4BD_9772_F173_41CC_0663155F6B42.html = Programmer
The heating system programmer (Myson Programmable NPRT) can be set to automatically switch on and off the heating system daily to suit your requirement’s or set to be on constantly.
You may find you have to experiment with the settings and timings before you find settings which suit the property and the seasons.
Please note that the hot water is provided on demand by the Combi Boiler so there is no timed control for this system.
HTMLText_B29CC4BD_9772_F173_41CC_0663155F6B42_mobile.html = Programmer
The heating system programmer (Myson Programmable NPRT) can be set to automatically switch on and off the heating system daily to suit your requirement’s or set to be on constantly.
You may find you have to experiment with the settings and timings before you find settings which suit the property and the seasons.
Please note that the hot water is provided on demand by the Combi Boiler so there is no timed control for this system.
HTMLText_B2AAE87E_9752_F1F1_41C5_DB8572E79E75.html = Heating
Leave bedroom windows open slightly at night to reduce the build-up of condensation. Windows can be locked in the ventilation position.
Do not dry clothes in confined spaces or over radiators. If you are using a clotheshorse to dry clothes open the window in the room being used.
When using a tumble drier ensure that a condensing type is used. No external vent is provided therefor so the use of a traditional flexible hose arrangement will lead to a build-up of moisture within the dwelling.
Leave a space of about 50 -70mm (2”-3”) between walls and furniture and appliances to allow a free flow of air.
Ensure trickle vents are left open at all times.
HTMLText_B2AAE87E_9752_F1F1_41C5_DB8572E79E75_mobile.html = Heating
Leave bedroom windows open slightly at night to reduce the build-up of condensation. Windows can be locked in the ventilation position.
Do not dry clothes in confined spaces or over radiators. If you are using a clotheshorse to dry clothes open the window in the room being used.
When using a tumble drier ensure that a condensing type is used. No external vent is provided therefor so the use of a traditional flexible hose arrangement will lead to a build-up of moisture within the dwelling.
Leave a space of about 50 -70mm (2”-3”) between walls and furniture and appliances to allow a free flow of air.
Ensure trickle vents are left open at all times.
HTMLText_B2CDE987_9771_B31E_41DB_6D01B100A0A3.html = Radiators
Radiators are located in each room of the property. These have a thermostat control valve which enables you to adjust the temperature in each room individually. These valves have a “frost” setting (Black star symbol).
This can be used to protect against extreme cold when the property is empty in winter. To use this facility, turn the valves to the frost setting and set the boiler programmer to the constant heat setting.
The heating system will only come on if the temperature falls near to freezing point. The boiler in this situation must be left on.
HTMLText_B2CDE987_9771_B31E_41DB_6D01B100A0A3_mobile.html = Radiators
Radiators are located in each room of the property. These have a thermostat control valve which enables you to adjust the temperature in each room individually. These valves have a “frost” setting (Black star symbol).
This can be used to protect against extreme cold when the property is empty in winter. To use this facility, turn the valves to the frost setting and set the boiler programmer to the constant heat setting.
The heating system will only come on if the temperature falls near to freezing point. The boiler in this situation must be left on.
HTMLText_B2D7FB3B_9757_B776_41A8_0C58E01F10C9.html = Parking
Parking is made up of lock block parking bays which are permeable for drainage.
There are 26 standard parking bays and 5 accessible parking bays.
All parking is communal and there are no designated spaces.
HTMLText_B2D7FB3B_9757_B776_41A8_0C58E01F10C9_mobile.html = Parking
Parking is made up of lock block parking bays which are permeable for drainage.
There are 26 standard parking bays and 5 accessible parking bays.
All parking is communal and there are no designated spaces.
HTMLText_B2F27B5F_9773_D72F_41D5_B7A000918178.html = External Doors
Property entrance doors are solid timber doors with rebated frames making them very secure.
Spyholes, security chains, and letter plates have been fitted for your convenience and safety.
All entrance doors are fitted with Euro cylinders operating a mortice latch locking system. The locks on these doors cannot be forced. If you find yourself locked out the Association will not cover the cost of gaining access.
We recommend you leave a spare key with a trusted friend or neighbour as forcing access can be extremely expensive.
HTMLText_B2F27B5F_9773_D72F_41D5_B7A000918178_mobile.html = External Doors
Property entrance doors are solid timber doors with rebated frames making them very secure.
Spyholes, security chains, and letter plates have been fitted for your convenience and safety.
All entrance doors are fitted with Euro cylinders operating a mortice latch locking system. The locks on these doors cannot be forced. If you find yourself locked out the Association will not cover the cost of gaining access.
We recommend you leave a spare key with a trusted friend or neighbour as forcing access can be extremely expensive.
HTMLText_B303373A_977E_5F71_41D0_9BC5C2A0F5C5.html = Window Cleaning
Windows can be fully reversed for cleaning as described in 6.2 above. Fixed panes at the bottom or sides of windows should be easily accessible for cleaning with the opening sash in the fully open position.
All glass should be cleaned with lukewarm water containing a mild detergent or soap solution. Use a soft cloth or squeegee to apply solution and dry with a chamois leather or dry cloth.
Care should be taken when the window is in the fully open position, particularly on upper floors.
Painted finishes should be regularly cleaned with a damp cloth followed by polishing with a clean duster. If repainting is necessary surfaces should be sanded and dusted off prior to applying the appropriate paint finish.
Stained or clear lacquer finished surfaces do not require any maintenance, unless damaged by abrasion, other than polishing with a good quality furniture polish. If damage occurs it is usually possible to touch in a fresh application of stain using a dust-free cloth moistened with the appropriate product/lacquer.
HTMLText_B303373A_977E_5F71_41D0_9BC5C2A0F5C5_mobile.html = Window Cleaning
Windows can be fully reversed for cleaning as described in 6.2 above. Fixed panes at the bottom or sides of windows should be easily accessible for cleaning with the opening sash in the fully open position.
All glass should be cleaned with lukewarm water containing a mild detergent or soap solution. Use a soft cloth or squeegee to apply solution and dry with a chamois leather or dry cloth.
Care should be taken when the window is in the fully open position, particularly on upper floors.
Painted finishes should be regularly cleaned with a damp cloth followed by polishing with a clean duster. If repainting is necessary surfaces should be sanded and dusted off prior to applying the appropriate paint finish.
Stained or clear lacquer finished surfaces do not require any maintenance, unless damaged by abrasion, other than polishing with a good quality furniture polish. If damage occurs it is usually possible to touch in a fresh application of stain using a dust-free cloth moistened with the appropriate product/lacquer.
HTMLText_B30D3EA9_9156_7112_41CF_3854ABC24298.html = Doorbell
A doorbell is also provided at the enterance to the property.
HTMLText_B30D3EA9_9156_7112_41CF_3854ABC24298_mobile.html = Doorbell
A doorbell is also provided at the enterance to the property.
HTMLText_B328855E_974E_532E_41E1_503CB8BF6FB0.html = Heating
Do not allow your property to become excessively hot. Use the timer facility on the programmer to heat the property gradually.
As well as producing considerable amounts of water vapour when in use causing dampness within your property, these heaters can be very dangerous and are not permitted by the Association.
Do not use bottled gas or paraffin heaters
HTMLText_B328855E_974E_532E_41E1_503CB8BF6FB0_mobile.html = Heating
Do not allow your property to become excessively hot. Use the timer facility on the programmer to heat the property gradually.
As well as producing considerable amounts of water vapour when in use causing dampness within your property, these heaters can be very dangerous and are not permitted by the Association.
Do not use bottled gas or paraffin heaters
HTMLText_B33587F9_9777_BEF3_41DC_FEE1016130F1.html = Window Description
All opening windows are fully reversible and designed to allow for safe cleaning of both sides of the glass from within the building.
All windows are triple glazed to provide good thermal insulation, they are effectively weather-sealed on all edges, and the lower panes of any windows which are positioned within 800mm of the finished floor level are made of safety glass to avoid accidents (this also improves security)
HTMLText_B33587F9_9777_BEF3_41DC_FEE1016130F1_mobile.html = Window Description
All opening windows are fully reversible and designed to allow for safe cleaning of both sides of the glass from within the building.
All windows are triple glazed to provide good thermal insulation, they are effectively weather-sealed on all edges, and the lower panes of any windows which are positioned within 800mm of the finished floor level are made of safety glass to avoid accidents (this also improves security)
HTMLText_B34DD983_9752_5317_41D1_60D08DA6AB2C.html = Grassed Turfed Areas
Turfed areas are vulnerable to damage until the roots of the grass have knitted together and grown into the soil.
This can take from 6 – 8 weeks during the growing season (May to September).
During the winter period (from October to April), very little growth occurs.
During winter period, it is important to keep off recently turfed areas for as long as possible.
Dogs can cause major damage to these areas during this period and therefore access by dogs should be restricted.
The contractor will be responsible for cutting the grass only for the first year.
Generally, grass only needs to be cut between May and September. The first cut in the spring should just take off about 25mm and the remaining cuts leave the grass approximately 35mm long.
Each year the grass will benefit from being aerated & an application of a suitable lawn spring fertilizer applied in the spring. This may be in the form of a combined lawn fertilizer or weed-kill product which will treat any weeds that have established. The Association will be responsible to maintain this.
HTMLText_B34DD983_9752_5317_41D1_60D08DA6AB2C_mobile.html = Grassed Turfed Areas
Turfed areas are vulnerable to damage until the roots of the grass have knitted together and grown into the soil.
This can take from 6 – 8 weeks during the growing season (May to September).
During the winter period (from October to April), very little growth occurs.
During winter period, it is important to keep off recently turfed areas for as long as possible.
Dogs can cause major damage to these areas during this period and therefore access by dogs should be restricted.
The contractor will be responsible for cutting the grass only for the first year.
Generally, grass only needs to be cut between May and September. The first cut in the spring should just take off about 25mm and the remaining cuts leave the grass approximately 35mm long.
Each year the grass will benefit from being aerated & an application of a suitable lawn spring fertilizer applied in the spring. This may be in the form of a combined lawn fertilizer or weed-kill product which will treat any weeds that have established. The Association will be responsible to maintain this.
HTMLText_B39ABC33_975E_7176_41AE_B06A334F84A3.html = Gas
There is a gas supply directly to the properties. The gas is piped directly to the Worcester Combi Boiler located within the Kitchen Cupboard. The Gas meter is fitted externally within a Brown meter box at ground level.
Gas Leak:
If you smell or suspect a gas leak use the stopcock to turn the supply off immediately and contact British Gas.
British Gas Emergency Number (24 Hours) call free:
0800 111 999
or for the deaf and hard of hearing 0800 371 787.
HTMLText_B39ABC33_975E_7176_41AE_B06A334F84A3_mobile.html = Gas
There is a gas supply directly to the properties. The gas is piped directly to the Worcester Combi Boiler located within the Kitchen Cupboard. The Gas meter is fitted externally within a Brown meter box at ground level.
Gas Leak:
If you smell or suspect a gas leak use the stopcock to turn the supply off immediately and contact British Gas.
British Gas Emergency Number (24 Hours) call free:
0800 111 999
or for the deaf and hard of hearing 0800 371 787.
HTMLText_B3C1A889_9772_5113_419D_EBFE3E28B7A6.html = Window Maintenance
To keep the window in good working order the following steps should be followed:
• Do not use caustic fluids when cleaning the glass or sharp objects which may scratch the glass.
• Hinges, mechanisms, gaskets etc. should not be painted, but you can use grease or silicone spray for lubrication on ironmongery if necessary.
If the window becomes stiff to operate do not force it or damage may result. Please report this to the Association.
When opening the window for cleaning purposes care should be taken to avoid damaging the surrounding plasterboard window ingoes, or window opening handles.
HTMLText_B3C1A889_9772_5113_419D_EBFE3E28B7A6_mobile.html = Window Maintenance
To keep the window in good working order the following steps should be followed:
• Do not use caustic fluids when cleaning the glass or sharp objects which may scratch the glass.
• Hinges, mechanisms, gaskets etc. should not be painted, but you can use grease or silicone spray for lubrication on ironmongery if necessary.
If the window becomes stiff to operate do not force it or damage may result. Please report this to the Association.
When opening the window for cleaning purposes care should be taken to avoid damaging the surrounding plasterboard window ingoes, or window opening handles.
HTMLText_B75E4C63_90CE_7117_41A5_4C13ADC0DDE2.html = Sustainable Living
The Association Ltd. is committed to helping Moray Council as a vibrant, healthy, environmentally responsible and economically thriving community. We strive to ensure that our operations involve community participation, appropriate planning and effective use of resources.
This section explains the principles of Sustainable Development and the ways we can all make a positive contribution to our community.
There are simple measures which Tenants can adopt through day to day living that can save money, improve the family’s well-being and contribute to a healthier environment.
First, it is useful to remember how the three R’s can help: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
• Avoid heavily packaged foods and other goods and where possible buy loose food rather than pre-packaged
• Stop junk mail through the Mailing Preference Service
• Keep your own shopping bags or boxes for reuse at the supermarket
• Reuse scrap paper for writing
• Reuse envelopes – stick labels over the address
• Buy rechargeable items instead of disposable ones
• Buy items in refillable containers (i.e. washing powders) and reuse empty food jars.
• Tale old clothes / book etc. to charity shops
• Choose products in packaging which you know can be recycled
• Buy products from recycled materials
• Recycle at property, using the Moray Council recycling facilities provided
• Recycle at local facilities (i.e. bottle bank)
Energy Efficiency
The following tips can save you money, as well as help to reduce resource waste:
If you are to warm, turning your thermostat down by 1°C could cut your heating bills by 10%. 21°C is the recommended temperature for a living room. In general, you should always check that the systems thermostat in the hallway is not set too high and the timer should be used to ensure that the building is only heated when necessary. Closing curtains at night can help reduce the heat from escaping through the windows.
Always put the plug in your basin or sink for washing, leaving hot taps running wastes money.
Always turn off lights when you leave the room and try and let as much natural light as possible in during the day. Also, consider using low energy light bulbs which last longer and use less energy.
Buy energy-efficient appliances and where possible, try and avoid leaving appliances on standby or charging.
Check operation manuals to ensure this will not reset appliances memory.
Remember to leave charges (e.g. for mobile phones) turned off when they are not in use.
Defrost regularly to ensure efficient operation.
Washing Machines / Tumble driers
Always wash a full load and, if you cannot, use the economy setting on your appliance if it has one. Try to minimise the use of tumble driers and dry clothes outside where possible.
HTMLText_B75E4C63_90CE_7117_41A5_4C13ADC0DDE2_mobile.html = Sustainable Living
The Association Ltd. is committed to helping Moray Council as a vibrant, healthy, environmentally responsible and economically thriving community. We strive to ensure that our operations involve community participation, appropriate planning and effective use of resources.
This section explains the principles of Sustainable Development and the ways we can all make a positive contribution to our community.
There are simple measures which Tenants can adopt through day to day living that can save money, improve the family’s well-being and contribute to a healthier environment.
First, it is useful to remember how the three R’s can help: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
• Avoid heavily packaged foods and other goods and where possible buy loose food rather than pre-packaged
• Stop junk mail through the Mailing Preference Service
• Keep your own shopping bags or boxes for reuse at the supermarket
• Reuse scrap paper for writing
• Reuse envelopes – stick labels over the address
• Buy rechargeable items instead of disposable ones
• Buy items in refillable containers (i.e. washing powders) and reuse empty food jars.
• Tale old clothes / book etc. to charity shops
• Choose products in packaging which you know can be recycled
• Buy products from recycled materials
• Recycle at property, using the Moray Council recycling facilities provided
• Recycle at local facilities (i.e. bottle bank)
Energy Efficiency
The following tips can save you money, as well as help to reduce resource waste:
If you are to warm, turning your thermostat down by 1°C could cut your heating bills by 10%. 21°C is the recommended temperature for a living room. In general, you should always check that the systems thermostat in the hallway is not set too high and the timer should be used to ensure that the building is only heated when necessary. Closing curtains at night can help reduce the heat from escaping through the windows.
Always put the plug in your basin or sink for washing, leaving hot taps running wastes money.
Always turn off lights when you leave the room and try and let as much natural light as possible in during the day. Also, consider using low energy light bulbs which last longer and use less energy.
Buy energy-efficient appliances and where possible, try and avoid leaving appliances on standby or charging.
Check operation manuals to ensure this will not reset appliances memory.
Remember to leave charges (e.g. for mobile phones) turned off when they are not in use.
Defrost regularly to ensure efficient operation.
Washing Machines / Tumble driers
Always wash a full load and, if you cannot, use the economy setting on your appliance if it has one. Try to minimise the use of tumble driers and dry clothes outside where possible.
HTMLText_DA4DEEB0_9356_E5D2_41DD_4F37D39D2E48.html = Welcome to your 360° Interactive Home User Guide
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd would like to welcome you to your new property.
Please press and drag your finger around the screen to look around.
To move to the next location, click the circles located on the ground.
For further information click the menu buttons or the information icons located around the virtual tour of your home.
Click the blue close button above to begin.
HTMLText_DA4DEEB0_9356_E5D2_41DD_4F37D39D2E48_mobile.html = Welcome to your 360° Interactive Home User Guide
Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd would like to welcome you to your new property.
Please press and drag your finger around the screen to look around.
To move to the next location, click the circles located on the ground.
For further information click the menu buttons or the information icons located around the virtual tour of your home.
Click the blue close button above to begin.
HTMLText_EF331990_E18C_E84A_41D5_73DCD3046C0C.html = 360° Tour Notes
Click on the arrows to navigate through the tour.
Click on information hotspots such as info logos or highlighted areas for further details.
Health and Safety:
All required safety precautions were carried out prior to and during site photography.
Handrails on scaffolding were removed at the time of photography for the fitting of rafters. Photographers took all necessary steps to ensure safety. RAMS where created and followed. Full PPE and fall arrest was used.
Pasquill are not responsible for site safety.
3D Model Comparison:
In some locations, the photograph and the 3D model do not align perfectly. This is due to placement discrepancies during a manual process and does not reflect on the accuracy of the 3D model or site work.
Several areas appear different in the photographs to the 3D model such as the following;
• Loose rafters not yet installed in vaulted area.
• Internal partitions and windows are not shown on the Pasquill model.
• Trusses are not yet cut for Velux windows in the photographs.
• Valley trusses, bridles and bracing not complete at time of site visit.
• Gable ladders were made on-site and were not supplied by Pasquill so appear different in the model.
Produced By:
Photography and virtual tour was created by:
Immersive Vision 360 Ltd
Copyright © 2021 by Immersive Vision 360 Ltd
All rights reserved. No part of this tour may be reproduced or reused in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner.
HTMLText_EF331990_E18C_E84A_41D5_73DCD3046C0C_mobile.html = 360° Tour Notes
Click on the arrows to navigate through the tour.
Click on information hotspots such as info logos or highlighted areas for further details.
Health and Safety:
All required safety precautions were carried out prior to and during site photography.
Handrails on scaffolding were removed at the time of photography for the fitting of rafters. Photographers took all necessary steps to ensure safety. RAMS where created and followed. Full PPE and fall arrest was used.
Pasquill are not responsible for site safety.
3D Model Comparison:
In some locations, the photograph and the 3D model do not align perfectly. This is due to placement discrepancies during a manual process and does not reflect on the accuracy of the 3D model or site work.
Several areas appear different in the photographs to the 3D model such as the following;
• Loose rafters not yet installed in vaulted area.
• Internal partitions and windows are not shown on the Pasquill model.
• Trusses are not yet cut for Velux windows in the photographs.
• Valley trusses, bridles and bracing not complete at time of site visit.
• Gable ladders were made on-site and were not supplied by Pasquill so appear different in the model.
Produced By:
Photography and virtual tour was created by:
Immersive Vision 360 Ltd
Copyright © 2021 by Immersive Vision 360 Ltd
All rights reserved. No part of this tour may be reproduced or reused in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner.
### Tooltip
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## Media
### Title
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album_A232E48D_9352_E5B2_41CC_5CCA8BF4F3E9_2.label = Window Rotated for Cleaning
map_E9642F77_8F33_BF4A_41DD_E80E29CB9EB6.label = Ground Floor
map_E9A1D660_8FCE_A145_41E1_E10A651FD8DB.label = First Floor
map_EC56EC06_8FD2_E0CA_41D7_38D854C187AD.label = Site Plan
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panorama_82043495_914E_7133_41DD_F04DD7DC24DE.label = First Floor Hall
panorama_82043BB4_914E_B772_4194_D7057C37B141.label = First Floor Landing
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panorama_821C92BB_9152_5177_41D1_B61328115F65.label = Parking
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panorama_821D5EFF_9156_EEEF_41D2_0B437DC2E02A.label = Media Plate
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panorama_821F278D_9152_DF13_41D4_4E996510106C.label = WC
panorama_821F3FC2_9153_EF11_41E0_72E3644C69AA.label = Kitchen
panorama_821F77EA_9153_DF16_41C3_EC2FA566F717.label = Dining Area
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panorama_FC838DF3_90F2_E755_41B4_680A85A1BEB9.label = Storage
panorama_FCF0567F_90F6_A54E_41D6_2ACEDC1EC1C5.label = Living Room Storage
panorama_FCFCC985_90F2_EFB2_41E2_EB41704AB9BD.label = CO2 Detector
## Popup
### Body
htmlText_A24A6D29_9352_64F2_4196_2D91B6A938AA.html = If you are to warm, turning your thermostat down by 1°C could cut your heating bills by 10%. 21°C is the recommended temperature for a living room. In general, you should always check that the systems thermostat in the hallway is not set too high and the timer should be used to ensure that the building is only heated when necessary. Closing curtains at night can help reduce the heat from escaping through the windows.
htmlText_A25ECD9A_9352_E7D6_41E3_20B2A691B230.html = Always put the plug in your basin or sink for washing, leaving hot taps running wastes money.
htmlText_A4CF7A6C_9356_6D72_41B6_B11134F199E1.html = Fridge/Freezers
Defrost regularly to ensure efficient operation.
htmlText_A79381B9_9352_FFD2_4185_7869169F6407.html = Always turn off lights when you leave the room and try and let as much natural light as possible in during the day. Also, consider using low energy light bulbs which last longer and use less energy.
htmlText_A7D4378D_9351_E3B2_41D7_A21ED2FB90B2.html = Washing Machines / Tumble Driers
Always wash a full load and, if you cannot, use the economy setting on your appliance if it has one. Try to minimise the use of tumble driers and dry clothes outside where possible.
htmlText_A7E156B7_934E_65DD_41BE_95539D1F8598.html = If you are to warm, turning your thermostat down by 1°C could cut your heating bills by 10%. 21°C is the recommended temperature for a living room. In general, you should always check that the systems thermostat in the hallway is not set too high and the timer should be used to ensure that the building is only heated when necessary. Closing curtains at night can help reduce the heat from escaping through the windows.
htmlText_D9C98F53_9356_6356_417D_302FD3EBCACD.html = Buy energy-efficient appliances and where possible, try and avoid leaving appliances on standby or charging.
Check operation manuals to ensure this will not reset appliances memory.
Remember to leave charges (e.g. for mobile phones) turned off when they are not in use.
## Hotspot
### Tooltip
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1CB06BC1_8F31_A746_41CF_04D7E38F59F8.toolTip = Smoke Detector
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2326AA3B_B0D6_A13A_41DC_630ED85159A6.toolTip = Internal Lighting
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_233B06F8_B0D1_E146_41C3_D881509ABB6B.toolTip = Carbon Monoxide Detector Information
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2371C9F4_B0DE_A34E_41CA_AE9503D29C87.toolTip = Smoke Detector
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_23ADAE25_B0CE_60C9_41DA_0FA51C143342.toolTip = Smoke Detector
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_26B1D591_B0D1_A3C6_41B6_8DE9D5E2D908.toolTip = Heat Alarm
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_85268F1C_9153_EF32_41A5_9A2D38435144.toolTip = Move Upstairs
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_853AD810_914E_5131_41A1_DA758FB95627.toolTip = Storage Cupboard
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_854A4975_9131_B3F3_41E0_8349D1774819.toolTip = Stoarge Cupboard
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A022414F_9352_5F4E_41A1_3FEA30E380C5.toolTip = Window Operation
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A03DA1EA_9333_DF76_41A5_EFB7114ECEB4.toolTip = Trickle vents to be left open all year
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A04E5282_93D3_BDB6_41B4_79A01A0A7F88.toolTip = Ventilation Isolation Switch
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A05BABEF_9331_A34D_41CE_AD7B78028DF6.toolTip = Solar PV Isolation Switch
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A071766E_9336_654F_41DB_E03E5BF7FB7A.toolTip = Alterations to Properties or Gardens after the first year
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A07443FB_93FE_6356_41E2_5B6E46A175F8.toolTip = Vent
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0801F1C_9332_A4D2_41D4_53F275E74E4B.toolTip = Click for User Manual
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A083EF6C_9333_A372_41D1_81F6880E61E6.toolTip = Click for video instruction
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A08F349D_9332_65D2_41D1_B06AF47F0230.toolTip = Click for further information
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A091E2F3_93CE_7D56_41D1_7E27BF682BE1.toolTip = Window Operation
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0921D8E_93D2_67CF_41A6_8B396FF1EC7C.toolTip = Consumer Unit
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A093AF3E_9332_A4CE_41E1_5A720A06C23F.toolTip = Fencing
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A09EC3C9_93F6_A3B5_41D5_746CF3D54B45.toolTip = Combi Information
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A09F162C_93D6_E4F2_41CB_F6FB0A529503.toolTip = Locks
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0A3FBD1_9332_A352_41D1_BB37AE3857C4.toolTip = Grassed Turfed Areas
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0ACC501_93F1_A4B2_41D4_F5991CADA50F.toolTip = Open
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0AE3081_93D1_FDB2_41B4_CDA713C5A515.toolTip = Locks
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0C6CFB9_93CF_A3D2_41C8_6A2D3F18333F.toolTip = Ventilation
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0C9835B_9336_6356_41AE_9F682C83769E.toolTip = Heating Control Panel
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0DB0EC1_9152_65B2_41E1_6B944982C18E.toolTip = Gravel Strip Around Property
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0E43F35_93FE_64D2_41DF_E19D1C8233F4.toolTip = Boiler
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0E54A2F_9333_ACCE_41A9_95192530BB8B.toolTip = CO2 Detector
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0ECE323_93D1_FCF6_41DC_C874C9894C86.toolTip = Ventilation
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0F1C3BC_93F1_A3D2_41D7_1A4BC23F5D30.toolTip = Carbon Monoxide Detector Information
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A113BE60_93DE_6572_41E2_690FAADFE243.toolTip = Shower Room and WC's
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A1246ED9_9352_A552_41D7_F76086F31BC5.toolTip = Smoke Detector
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A1380AEA_9331_AD76_41DE_81781604578B.toolTip = Solar PV Generation Meter
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A1382C1F_93CE_A4CE_41E1_4931677074F8.toolTip = Vent Isolation Switch to be on at all times
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A147FE4D_9337_A54D_41D4_A447AAA8F474.toolTip = Parking
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A161D07E_93F3_DD4E_41E3_0F5DD386986B.toolTip = Mains Water Isolation
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A2C8EEEF_93D1_E54D_41E2_92C2096D4B84.toolTip = Door Bell
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A35AC141_9332_DCB5_41CB_ECC237715280.toolTip = Gutters and Rainwater Pipes
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A3A4953D_9332_A4D2_41E2_74CFC2D65D5B.toolTip = Click for further information on Programmer
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A3F5D0F7_93D6_5D5E_41E1_3E41FF32BBAA.toolTip = Carpets and Floor Coverings
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A4CE8A6B_9356_6D76_41DB_7D1148F02FEF.toolTip = ECO Tip
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A507C5AA_93F2_E7F6_41D2_1A3C6A5458F2.toolTip = Heat Alarm
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A55728BD_93F3_ADCD_41C7_8149057E0D5C.toolTip = Carbon Monoxide Detectors
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A5A2C3BC_93D7_A3D2_41D8_D83ED04A1E84.toolTip = Go Back
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A5EA4289_93D6_5DB2_41E0_0A84BB7F7696.toolTip = Ventilation Isolation Switch to be left on
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A7D5E78C_9351_E3B2_41D4_681B07476060.toolTip = ECO Tip
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AD18839E_9176_A3CF_41B8_770ABA12404C.toolTip = Click for further information on Programmer
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AD189411_914E_E4D5_41D5_DE61B430CDA4.toolTip = Click for further information
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AD1BA2C8_9172_FDB2_41AE_E8C11ED48419.toolTip = Click for video instruction
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AD21284C_9153_ECB3_41B3_FDD367271C74.toolTip = Gutters and Rainwater Pipes
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AD295CB4_914E_A5D2_41DE_C7D79273B246.toolTip = Click for User Manual
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AE749AE2_9356_ED77_41DD_9B8A35379FE6.toolTip = Maintenance
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AE7A729B_9352_7DD6_41DD_C008A90A4741.toolTip = Cleaning
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AFA6BE9F_9371_A5CE_41E2_647873CCE3AA.toolTip = Click here for more information on Media Plate
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AFC29746_9153_E4BE_41D9_7C617CF9752C.toolTip = Gas Meter Box
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AFC3DAAA_937E_6DF6_41D5_8CB5C6A108BF.toolTip = Click to for more information
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AFC5EB54_937E_E352_419D_907676397AEA.toolTip = Click to view Media Plate
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AFDF4A8F_9152_6DCE_41CF_506D972E49AD.toolTip = Fencing
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D6565C79_90D6_6552_41C6_E42FFFBDED1C.toolTip = BT Box
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D92D4A20_9332_ACF2_41C9_0F6A1F1CE3B1.toolTip = Go Back
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D9CFAF50_9356_6353_41AC_C1C397AF3B6C.toolTip = ECO Tip
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DB808E8E_9336_65CF_41BF_68A2B4B29A30.toolTip = Loft Hatch
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F9847D0C_9132_64B2_41DE_828DBC5023B9.toolTip = Solar PV Generation Meter
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FDB01B2D_9132_ECF2_41D6_297DA2CDB911.toolTip = Solar PV Isolation Switch
## Action
### PDF
PopupPDFBehaviour_A0F77F1D_9332_A4D2_4190_62DBBEDC0776.url = files/myson-mprt-user-guide_en.pdf
PopupPDFBehaviour_AF9960ED_9151_BD72_41E2_4A6AA8487742.url = files/myson-mprt-user-guide_en.pdf
PopupPDFBehaviour_ED841296_F964_8259_41E5_CD62B750CC86.url = files/Resident's Handbook - Greenfield Circle Spynie Elgin F Type DRAFT FOR APPROVAL (002)_en.pdf
PopupPDFBehaviour_EF0EC8A3_F99B_8E7E_41ED_B28A9A0EFBDA.url = files/Resident's Handbook - Greenfield Circle Spynie Elgin F Type DRAFT FOR APPROVAL (002)_en.pdf
### URL
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